Territory Note's

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Click ‘Mandarin Lesson’ at the Pages :)

Have a good day!

p/s: Ramai yang cari shoutbox haha
HARAP MAAF shoutbox disorok buat sementara waktu bagi mengelakkan SPAM :)


Sorry ya, if I didn't visit you guys back.

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love you guys!

p.s: wanna fast reply?

Kindly email me at thesyazanazainn@gmail.com or

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berbuka di tower regency

It’s already Eid, and I just post this story. Actually we went break fasting at Tower Regency Hotel Ipoh. We heard that this hotel is 4 stars (refer from their website). FYI, this is the most horrible ever break-fasting.

I really hate to say that. It is expensive and not pleasant at all. I also don’t know what to take pictures or anything. Since everything is not attractive, it’s only wasting money, but I’m lucky because our Manager are paying half price for all assistant.

the Tower Regency Ipoh
the suckers hotel ---  restaurant ever

Me with Kak Diana -- she is a nurse at my work place

Till then,

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