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Have a good day!

p/s: Ramai yang cari shoutbox haha
HARAP MAAF shoutbox disorok buat sementara waktu bagi mengelakkan SPAM :)


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Mood Raya. | BBQ

September 13, 2010 

Today it was in the fourth of Syawal, the spirit is progressively thickened. Last night we went to maklong home, there they have a BBQ. There is nothing much to say, I still in the mood to eat. I love Raya! :)

my cousin -- Iffah was fanning the chicken

 (Syabil, Pakngah, Aiman, and at the end I'm not really remember what is his name -- they are my long-distance cousins )

the chicken's!

my lil brother with Iffah are excited waiting the chicken being cooked!

I love this cat eyes.

Till then,

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