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Hacker's Terbaik Dunia

Good morning guys! Start with a cheerful morning! Today I’m not really busy just normal. I just wanted to share stories about hackers. The famous HACKERS in the world, I guess so :)

Btw, what is Hacker?

Hacker (term), a term used in computing for several types of person
Hacker (computer security) someone who accesses a computer system by circumventing its security system
Hacker (hobbyist), who makes innovative customizations or combinations of retail electronic and computer equipment
Hacker (programmer subculture), who combines excellence, playfulness, cleverness and exploration in performed activities.

Source: Wikipedia


1.Jonathan James

James is the Americans, at the age of 16 he entered prison for hacking into U.S. defense sites and he just said he does this purely for self-gratification. NASA suffered from his intelligence, James stole NASA’s software that costs $ 1.7 million U.S. dollars. NASA was forced to shut down servers and systems. Because of his behavior, he cannot touch a computer for 10 years.

James adalah rakyat Amerika, semasa berumur 16 tahun dia dimasukkan ke penjara karena menggodam laman pertahanan Amerika Syarikat dan dia cuma berkata dia melakukan perkara tersebut semata-mata untuk kepuasannya sendiri. NASA menderita akibat kepandaiannya, James mencuri software NASA yang berharga $1.7 juta dollar AS. Sehingga NASA terpaksa untuk mematikan server dan sistemnya. Kerana kelakuannya, dia tidak boleh menyentuh komputer selama 10 tahun.  

2.Adrian Lamo

He has hacked the New York Times to get personal info and some security number. He was eventually charged $ 65,000 U.S. dollars.

Dia menghack New York Times untuk mendapatkan info peribadi dan beberapa nombor security . Dia akhirnya didenda $65,000 dollar US.

3.Kevin Mitnick

This living legend was really great in the world of hacking.
Among those he did:

- Distortion the FBI 
- Hacking into a system-DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation)  
- Getting an administrator password in an IBM computer that won gambling.
- Hacking Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Sun Microsystems and Fujitsu Siemens systems
- and much more remarkable.

A white hat hacker named Tsutomu Shimomura been hacked by Kevin's computer system, and there was war hackers. He was arrested by the FBI with the help of a tracking network Tsutomu Shimomura HP brought Mitnick time. But now he was converted and became a writer of books, security consultant, and facilitator.

Inilah legenda hidup yang benar-benar hebat dalam dunia hack.

Antara yang dia lakukan:

- Kaburkan  FBI

- Hacking ke dalam DEC system (Digital Equipment Corporation)

-Mendapatkan password administrator dalam satu komputer IBM supaya menang perjudian.

- Hacking Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Sun Microsystems dan Fujitsu Siemens systems

- Dan masih banyak lagi kelakuan dia yang luar biasa.

Seorang white hat hacker yang bernama Tsutomu Shimomura pun dihack komputer sistemnya oleh Kevin, dan terjadilah perang hacker. Dia ditangkap oleh FBI dengan bantuan Tsutomu Shimomura yang mengesan jaringan HP yang dibawa Mitnick saat itu. Tapi sekarang dia sudah insaf dan menjadi seorang penulis buku, konsultan security, dan pemudahcara.

4.Kevin Poulsen

He also had known as Dark Dante. He has hacked the FBI database. In addition he has also hack around the telephone line as it is expertise. Currently he is so senior editor at Wired News, and managed to catch 744 offering sex through Myspace profiles.

Juga dikenal sebagai Dark Dante. Dia telah menghack database FBI. Selain itu dia juga telah hack seluruh talian telefon kerana itu adalah kemahirannya. Saat ini dia jadi senior editor di Wired News, dan berjaya menangkap 744 penawaran sex melalui profiles Myspace.

5.Robert Tappan Moris

The first person who created the worm, called Morris Worm spread through the internet and worms that cause about 6000 computer be down.

He was eventually imprisoned house for 3 years and a fine as large as $ 10,500 dollars. Now he works as a professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Orang yang pertama yang mencipta Worm, yang dinamakan Morris Worm melalui internet dan menyebarkan worm yang mengakibatkan lebih kurang 6000 komputer menjadi down.

Dia akhirnya dipenjarakan rumah selama 3 tahun dan didenda sebesar $10500 dollar. Sekarang dia bekerja sebagai professor di sebuah MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

6. Karl Koch

He hails from Hannover Germany and his computer name is FUCKUP (First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultra-Micro Programmer). He was doing some research on hacking at 1985-1988. He was also a cocaine addict.

He managed to bypass the number of U.S. military systems and have hacked a U.S. nuclear energy center at the time of the cold war and the result of hacking it was sold to the KGB (Soviet Secret Agent). He was found dead in 1988, according to information he burn his own body, but there is a suspected victim of conspiracy.

Dia berasal dari Hannover Jerman yang menamakan komputernya FUCKUP (First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultra-Micro Programmer). Dia melakukan beberapa kajian dalam hacking pada waktu 1985-1988. Dia juga seorang penagih kokain.

Dia berjaya membolosi beberapa sistem ketenteraan AS dan telah hack sebuah pusat tenaga nuklear AS pada zaman perang dingin dan hasil hacking itu dijual ke KGB (Agen Rahsia Soviet Union). Dia ditemui mati pada tahun 1988, menurut info dia membakar tubuhnya sendiri namun ada yang mengesyaki menjadi mangsa konspirasi.

Source: My friends email :)

p/s: They are really cool!
But do not try it guys!

Till then,


Puan Besar Shag Yahaya said...

Alamak. Yg last sekali tak dapat nak baca sebab iklan nuff kua dan lindung isi entri. Sobs sobs.

Syazana Zainn said...

@ aina :

WOW juga..hihi

Syazana Zainn said...

@ shag :

tak dapat baca ke?
hihi..tak pe.. nanti baca lain k.

Si GadisSemasa said...

kurang asam punya worm ! huh !


Syazana Zainn said...

@ si gadis semasa :

tu la asam beliau kurang sgt kot..

haha =D

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