Territory Note's

Wanna learn Mandarin?

Click ‘Mandarin Lesson’ at the Pages :)

Have a good day!

p/s: Ramai yang cari shoutbox haha
HARAP MAAF shoutbox disorok buat sementara waktu bagi mengelakkan SPAM :)


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love you guys!

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extremely HAPPY

January 22, 2011

Okay boys and girls, today I want to share something that makes me happy. Frankly to say, I'm super-duper extremely HAPPY.

Kahkahkahkah -- me over-reacted -_-

My relations with Amin are good again. After he said sorry and I apologize also, I could feel that we still have chemistry together. For people who like going halter havoc with our relationships, better looking for another job and do not busy body about others. I’m tired to face these things again.

Amin has been successful in offering to work at the BSN (Bank Simpanan Nasional). I am glad that he has got the offer. His tireless finally paid off. I think this is the most awful interview ever! Guess what, the interview was started at 7 am until 11 pm. And it’s totally crazy! But never-mind, everything was over. Good luck dear :)
Till then,

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