Territory Note's

Wanna learn Mandarin?

Click ‘Mandarin Lesson’ at the Pages :)

Have a good day!

p/s: Ramai yang cari shoutbox haha
HARAP MAAF shoutbox disorok buat sementara waktu bagi mengelakkan SPAM :)


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love you guys!

p.s: wanna fast reply?

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Bunuh sana sini

I felt in Malaysia nowadays already insecurity. Days to days always heard bad stories about of child murders, people kills mom and dad and the various types of suicide. I can’t tolerate with it. What they want to be exactly? Now even I’m going out to go to work already make me doubts. You know what; at my rental home area shall be categorized as DANGER. I’m really scared when heard this -_-

Just now, I read at Metro Online, it is about a man slashed his girlfriend father. Can you imagine that? If her father doesn’t ever like you, you have to accept it or you can try to care the old man. *sigh* why seek death for a resolution? If you want to know the whole story you can click HERE - Tetak Bapa Kekasih . I have no idea what to think of with our societies of today.

Till then,

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