Territory Note's

Wanna learn Mandarin?

Click ‘Mandarin Lesson’ at the Pages :)

Have a good day!

p/s: Ramai yang cari shoutbox haha
HARAP MAAF shoutbox disorok buat sementara waktu bagi mengelakkan SPAM :)


Sorry ya, if I didn't visit you guys back.

So just leave your comments down below,

and I will track you back.

love you guys!

p.s: wanna fast reply?

Kindly email me at thesyazanazainn@gmail.com or

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I will tried to help you



It's not cool when parents not at home

Oh yeah! Today I wake up kind of early. My parents were not at home. They returned to their village for a while.

At first, it is really fun when parents not at home for a few days. But if they take more days, it will not cool anymore and we will face a big problem. One of these is starvation. These diseases are due to L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S.

So we have to buy food near the outside and it is not delightful like mom’s cook :(

Till then,

(updated 2013 : sorry, all pictures during me uncovered (free hair) already deleted. TQ ^^,)

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