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Tiramisu with the simple Recipes

January 8, 2011

 source: Google

Right now I really crave to eat tiramisu! I want tiramisu!! There’s anyone who'd like to buy me one? :)
Do you ever know what tiramisu is actually? From what I know, this tiramisu is from Italian language. In Malay it is called ‘angkat-saya-atas’ or in English called 'pick-me-up'.

Tiramisu cake is decorated with a sprinkling of cocoa powder on top of it. Haaa sounds good huh. Actually this is a dessert cake that is eaten with a ladle (senduk), and fall into the dish "al cucchiaio" ("dengan senduk").

Dessert is a dish generally served at the end of dinner (hidangan penutup), usually consisting of sweet food sometimes even a food has a strong flavor such as cheese. The easiest example is a cake or pudding.

The ingredients in this tiramisu must have Savoiardi, eggs, sugar (most important), coffee powder and cocoa powder. In fact in the old days they made this tiramisu and put rum to be tastier. Initially it was made ​​just for adults only. Moreover rum is an alcoholic beverage. So as Muslims, we can’t eat if there is rum. So before eating, you have to survey it first.

What is savoiardi? I guess you must not know right? If in the U.S. they call it ladyfingers. Actually it is a  ​​biscuits to layer it only. Tiramisu is layered right? :) So it is the other name for savoiardi.

Btw, below this there is a very simple recipe of tiramisu. You can try it! Good luck guys!

The ingredient

1. 250ml --- Whipping cream

2. 175gm --- Cream cheese 

3. Sponge cake or ladyfingers biscuits (up to you which one you prefer)

4. Half cup of sugar

5. Vanilla essence

6. Coffee powder --- mixed with water (you can use Nescafe --- it more tasty or you can change it to Milo or else --- depend) 

7. Cocoa powder

How to do

1. Add cream cheese, sugar, whipped cream and vanilla essence in a bowl.

2. Whisk all the ingredients (cream cheese, sugar, whipped cream and vanilla essence) until smooth. 

3. Cut the sponge cake with an appropriate size and sprinkle the Nescafe on top the cake. (If you’re using biscuits please soak the biscuits in the Nescafe. Not for long because this biscuits are easy to lax (lembik) then arrange the biscuits in a container.)

4. Place other layers of cream cheese and cakes / biscuits until complete.

5. Keep refrigerated for 2 to 3 hours, let it cool then you can eat it! Eh, before I forget, you can sprinkle the cocoa powder on the top of the cakes! Yeah!

Till then,

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